Busy flight Poem


Onboard they come

I stifle the urge to run

Their baggage of woes they closely hug

But their bigger physical bags onboard they lug.


Carry-ons too big for overhead fitting

Gasping, they implore for some lifting

“Do your damn job” they cry

I start the inner countdown for us to be among sky.


Now they’re been seated comfortably

at the cost of my lower backs lumbar well-being

But hark! There must be an emergency situation

All the call bells are performing a Christmas lights imitation


“Water!” They cry

“I have pills to take and my throat is dry”

“I’ll be there in a minute” as I run by

Their wounded eyes implore to me that’s there’s little time.


A tray of glasses piled high

As I wind my way through the choking sighs

“A water for you and for you” I say, hoping it’s enough

but others catch on and the rest begin to cough


Cart’s wheels burning

Passengers united in their urging

“wine!” they beg, “Red Or white”? I attest.

I’m met with a curt “Yes”.


A Chorus of Chicken

A bass bellow for beef

My will and arms weaken

So begins the prayer call for relief


At last it’s done;

Every mouth full, every tongue drenched

Legs wind down from a run

I limp, and I’m benched.


My stomach creates a tentative query

I answer with a self-made lunch of love

It time to rest my body weary

But… alas… a star lights up above


The dings begin never-ending

A heavy sigh puts my food away

Rise up with a backwards bending

The second round of service has begun its play.


And so time trails on like endless desert sand

We do this again, rinse and repeat

Until its time for the plane to land

And us to take our long-awaited seat.